Saturday, January 4, 2020

Hccw Management - 1222 Words

HCC Management Team Bargaining Information Your team represents HCC management in bargaining sessions with the UCPW Local 14. The team is expected to negotiate an agreement that will allow the company to achieve its strategic goals over the next three years. Your team will use the following items to formulate its initial demands and for negotiating a new collective bargaining agreement: Item 1. Strategic Goals and Forecast of Factors Affecting the Firm’s Competitive Position Strategic Goals Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Incentive Materials cost reduction 2% 3% 4% 4% Labor cost reduction 4% 4% 5% 5% Current Ratio 2.25 2.5 2.75 2% Quick Ratio 1.0 1.2 1.5 3% Inventory turnover 5.0 5.5 5.75 3% Collection period 40 35 30 3% Forecast†¦show more content†¦Item 3. Strikes, Lockouts, Unfair Labor Practices Management may elect to lockout labor at any time if it believes that no reasonable progress has been made in negotiations. Work stoppages will severely damage HCC customer relationships and its valued reputation as a firm dedicated to the prompt delivery of quality products. For each strike, lock-out, or sustained unfair labor practice charge related to management bargaining practices, the gross sales percentage change for all future years will be reduced by 1% and material costs will rise by an additional 1% per year. Item 4. Facilities Upgrade and Production Manning In order to meet customer demands for higher product quality, to comply with federally-mandated environmental regulations, and to reduce production costs, HCC must spend $2,000,000 within the next three years to upgrade equipment. The upgrade is expected to result in production efficiencies that will lower material and labor costs by reducing defective products, process waste, in-process inventory, and production man-hours through simplified work processes. It has been over a decade since significant modifications were made to the production facilities. Those changes were mostly technical in nature and did not substantially alter work processes or reduce overall employment. The average productivity gain in the industry for the past five years has been 3% per year. Financing for the loan to purchase the equipmentShow MoreRelatedEvaluation Report On Hennepin County Community Works1357 Words   |  6 PagesCommunities, residents, public in Hennepin County expect to be served by their county and the Hennepin County Community Works (HCCW) in terms of public work such as having a reliable and safe transportation system, good public works infrastructures, housing, green spaces, and natural environment, etc. This evaluation report gives the reflection of the Hennepin County Community Works (HCCW) performance’s for the last 20 years and lessons learned from applying a range of strategies in diverse geographies. This

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